NO, definitely no. Our bird nest are pure and natural with no bleach and preservative. We use exclusive sterilization process to ensure 100% safety. Pregnant mothers can consume our bird’s nest with confidence!

Refrigeration is the best storage method, but do not put it in the freezer!

Boil water and pour it into a larger bowl, and place the bird’s nest into the container, cover with a lid and let the water warm the bird’s nest for about 5-10 minutes.

1. Avoid greasy. Bird’s nest can be matched with various foods, and there are no foods that have adverse reactions with bird’s nest. Generally, when eating bird’s nest, you should avoid spicy and greasy food and don’t smoke. Do not consume coffee, tea with bird’s nest at the same time.

2. It is advisable to eat small meals frequently, and avoid large amounts of food at one time. Studies have shown that adults consume 3 to 5 grams of dry bird’s nest each time, and children 1 to 3 grams each time, and this amount of food is the best. Excessive eating might cause gastrointestinal indigestion and the nutrition cannot be absorb.

3. It should be eaten for a long time. Eating bird’s nest has no obvious effect in the short term. It is best to take it for a long time or often. You can take it once everyday, or 1-2 times a day. Suggest to consume with an empty stomach or consume 1 hour before going to bed at night. More than 90% of those who consume it will have a certain effect within 3 months.

4. It is advisable to use less sugar and less salt, and avoid too sweet and too salty. Rock sugar bird’s nest tastes good. Stewed bird’s nest with appropriate portion of rock sugar is good.

The best time to consume bird’s nest is with an empty stomach early in the morning or 1 hour before going to bed. Bird’s nest stimulates the secretion of gastric juice in the stomach, causing the peristalsis of the stomach, and the gastric mucosa has a lot of blood supply, which has the conditions to fully absorb nutrients and can quickly exert nutritional efficiency.

Dried bird’s nest – To store bird’s nest, usually put the in a cool and ventilated place, and it is better to keep it in the refrigerator (temperature at 0-4℃), it can be stored for at least three years without deterioration. If the bird’s nest has a musty smell but no mildew spots, this musty smell may be the smell of the bird’s nest itself, which still retains its nutritional value. If there is mildew or mildew spots, the bird’s nest should be discarded and cannot be eaten.

Instant Cook Bird’s Nest – Instant Cook Bird’s Nest is bird’s nest that is free of pick and wash and no foaming. The Instant Cook Bird’s Nest is processed through soaking, hair picking, stewing, drying and other processes. The Instant Cook Bird’s Nest is easy to cook. Seal the Instant Cook Bird’s Nest with plastic wrap, place it in a cool and ventilated place, or store it in the refrigerator (temperature at 0-4°C), the shelf life is three years.

Fresh Cooked Bird’s Nest – Since our Fresh Cooked Bird’s Nest is completely free of preservatives, it must be refrigerated within 10 days upon received. Our shelf life is different from other brands, it can only store up to 30 days. Once open, it must be finish consume within 4 hours.

Most people are not allergic to bird’s nest. However, people allergic with egg should avoid consume eat bird’s nest. People with allergies should eat a small amount of bird’s nest for the first time. Take a spoonful at the beginning of consumption, pay attention for observation, if there is no allergic reaction, you can gradually increase the portion. you should stop eating bird’s nest for a period of time once allergic reaction occurs such as rash, itching, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

Bird’s nest has anti-tyrosinase activity and inhibits melanocytes from producing melanin. Bird’s nest can be taken orally, because sialic acid can work through the skin tissue. Studies have shown that sialic acid is the main whitening component of bird’s nest. Studies have shown that the antioxidant capacity of bird’s nest is 1.4 times that of blackberry, the king of fruits, 3 times that of blueberry, 6 times of red raspberry, and dozens of times that of orange! It can be seen that bird’s nest is of great help in anti-aging. Bird’s nest also contains an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like activity that stimulates cell division, growth, and promotes tissue regeneration. Therefore, bird’s nest has the functions of whitening, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, and skin care if consume continuously.

Consuming bird’s nest is encouraged throughout pregnancy. If possible, it is recommended to eat bird’s nest during pregnancy and postpartum recovery, which is beneficial to prenatal and postpartum health! Pregnant women consume bird’s nest, it not only can improve the body resistance of mother and baby, and the sialic acid in bird’s nest is also good for the baby’s brain development. If you insist on eating bird’s nest during pregnancy, the baby’s skin condition will be good. It is best for pregnant women to eat once a day, 3 to 5 grams each time, until the end of lactation.

In fact, in the process of fetal growth in the mother’s body, the 3-11 weeks gestational age in the first trimester is the stage of the formation of important organs of the fetus. The brain and nerve development are in the first 3 months. Pregnant women can consume folic acid and eat bird’s nest to obtain sialic acid. The sialic acid in bird’s nest promotes fetal brain development. If you want to eat bird’s nest during pregnancy, it is recommended to eat it every day for the first 3 months.

Bird’s nest has many benefits for mothers. Anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and improve immunity; Anti-oxidant and anti-aging to delay skin aging; Anti-oxidant and anti-aging to delay skin aging.

Bird’s nest has glycoprotein active ingredients and epidermal growth factor-like activity, which helps wound healing. Sialic acid can block the combination of intestinal and virus, and enhance the body’s disease resistance. Since sialic acid is an anion, it can combine with positively charged calcium ions in the human body to improve the intestinal absorption capacity of nutrients. Sialic acid is an important nutrient for brain development. As the baby grows, the nutritional composition of mother’s milk will be adjusted accordingly, and the content of sialic acid in the milk will decrease. Mothers insist on eating bird’s nest after giving birth, which can ensure a steady stream to supply baby sialic acid to promote baby’s brain development.

Eating bird’s nest in middle-aged and elderly people not only improve bone strength, it can also increase dermis thickness and promote cartilage cell regeneration, and also improve cardiovascular disease.

Bird’s nest is a good complementary food, rich in protein and sialic acid, which can prevent babies from affecting their physical growth and brain development due to insufficient protein intake. It can improve their intelligence and memory, promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, and improve immunity to fight with disease. Bird’s nest has the effect of moisturizing the lungs and preventing colds, and can also improve the congenital deficiencies of children.

Experts suggest that bird’s nest contains high water-soluble protein. Before eating bird’s nest, you can test a small amount to see if there is any allergic reaction. One-year-old babies can eat 0.3-0.5 grams of dry bird’s nest per day; children aged 3-5 can eat 1-1.5 grams of dry bird’s nest per day; school-age children can eat 2-3 grams of dry bird’s nest per day.

Precocious puberty may be related to foods high in estrogen. Research shows that the daily consumption of bird’s nest is not much, and the intake of estrogen is not high. Infants and young children eat 0.5 to 1.5 grams of dry bird’s nest per day. Older children can eat more dry bird’s nest per day, but not more than 2.5 grams. The amount of estrogen is not as high as eating a 60-gram egg. If it is okay for infants and young children to eat one or two eggs a day, then eating bird’s nest for a long time will not cause precocious puberty.

Men bear a lot of pressure in society, and they will lose energy when they are tired from running around. It is very important to know how to maintain health. Men can eat bird’s nest and cause no any harm. Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or modern medicine, the efficacy of bird’s nest is clearly described. Beside the beauty function, bird’s nest also has the functions of nourishing, curing deficiency, moistening lung, moisturizing dryness.

Studies have shown that bird’s nest can fight tumors, and patients with uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts can eat bird’s nest. These diseases are caused by the inability of the hormone levels in the body to achieve a balanced state through self-regulation. Although bird’s nest contains endogenous hormones, these are inherent in the growth and development of animals and plants, such as the liver, milk, eggs, etc. of cereal animals. 50 grams of bird’s nest contains progesterone which equivalent to the content of one egg, and 3 grams of bird’s nest contains 17β-estradiol equivalent to the content of one egg. Estrogen is not the key to the function of bird’s nest, nor does it affect the hormonal changes in the human body. The rich sialic acid in bird’s nest can improve immunity, resist inflammation and anti-tumor. At the same time, patients should pay attention to regulating their emotions and work and rest balance, and exercise more to slowly regulate their physical condition.

The main components of bird’s nest are active proteins and minerals. Due to blood loss during menstruation, it is suitable to eat bird’s nest to supplement nutrients such as protein. Eating bird’s nest will not have any negative impact on the menstrual cycle, young women with irregular menstrual periods, or menopausal women with excessive sweating should eat it regularly.

Low menstrual flow is reflected in two aspects: too little blood or too short menstrual time. New era believes that emotional stress, diet, cold stimulation, and human miscarriage can cause menstrual oligomenorrhea; traditional Chinese medicine believes that lack of qi and blood leads to low menstrual flow. Bird’s nest nourishes lung, nourishes kidney water, and can regulate the body, so it can be eaten.

Eating bird’s nest will not cause menstrual disorders. The rich sialic acid in bird’s nest can improve immunity, resist inflammation and anti-tumor. At the same time, patients should pay attention to regulating their emotions, combine work and rest, and exercise more to slowly regulate their physical condition.

Women’s physiological period requires high dietary nutrition, bird’s nest can nourish yin and moisten dryness, nourish qi. Although bird’s nest contains estrogen, three to five grams of dry bird’s nest per day contains less hormones than a 50-gram egg. Therefore, bird’s nest can be eaten during the menstrual period.

When women reach the age of 50, estrogen levels in the body drop sharply, and they need to nourish yin even more. Bird’s nest is not cold or dry, and its properties of nourishing the stomach and moistening deficiency have been recognized by the medical prescriptions and medical books of the past dynasties. Bird’s nest has glycoprotein, sialic acid and epidermal growth factor-like, supply the nutrients and moisture needed by the skin, quickly repairs damaged skin cells, and plays a role in delaying aging. Long-term conditioning can relieve anxiety, insomnia and other menopausal symptoms, improve bone strength and delay skin aging.

Menopausal women need more yin nourishment, and the consumption of bird’s nest can be appropriately increased on the basis of 3-5 grams per day.

Experiments have found that bird’s nest inhibits the growth of lung tumor cells, liver tumor cells and breast tumor cells. Do not eat bird’s nest before chemotherapy to avoid the doctor’s misjudgment. You can eat bird’s nest after chemotherapy, which is beneficial to the body’s recovery

Gestational diabetes is caused by a variety of reasons, the most common is eat without control, overeating, so you should eat some healthy and beneficial food under the advice of your doctor. Bird’s nest is rich in sialic acid. It is not like some other traditional supplements such as deer antler, fish maw, etc. that require pregnant women to pay attention to the amount they eat. 3 to 5 grams Bird’s nest per day, with low sugar content, so it can be eaten by people with diabetes and high blood pressure. Bird’s nest is very helpful to improve the immunity of pregnant women. Anemia patients can definitely eat bird’s nest, red dates and longan bird’s nest which has the effect of nourishing yin and blood. If the hemoglobin level is seriously low, eating bird’s nest is not enough, more professional symptomatic treatment is needed, and folic acid, iron and vitamin B2 can be supplemented if necessary.

Bird’s nest is rich in sialic acid. The researchers found that sialic acid and its derivatives have important roles in inhibiting sialidase and anti-influenza virus, anti-parainfluenza virus, anti-rotavirus, anti-respiratory syncytial virus, and anti-adenovirus.

Consistently consuming bird’s nest can improve immunity. Sialic acid promotes the immune system, not only as an innate defense mechanism, but also makes the immune system more adaptive. Consumers can consume 3 to 5 grams of dried bird’s nest every day or two.

Since hydroxyproline is a specific amino acid in collagen and does not exist or rarely exists in other proteins, it is more reliable to use the method of measuring hydroxyproline content to compare the effective content of collagen in products. Among the amino acids contained in collagen, proline and hydroxyproline are unique to collagen and account for a total of 25%. According to the amino acid analysis, there is no hydroxyproline in bird’s nest, which means that there is no collagen in bird’s nest. However, Bird’s nest contains an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like activity that stimulates cell division, growth, and promotes tissue regeneration. Therefore, bird’s nest has the functions of whitening, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, and skin care if consume continuously.

我们的燕窝没有采用任何化学添加剂和防腐剂哦!我们的燕窝经过高温高压处理达到商业无菌,其安全性得到保障,可保质 30~60天。孕妈咪可以放心食用我们的燕窝哦!


将水煮沸腾后倒入一个外锅或较大的碗,把燕窝放在盛器里如小碗或杯子。然后把盛器放入锅中或大碗中,盖上盖子让水温把燕窝加温,约 5-10 分钟即可。 或 将瓶子放入沸腾的水,让水温把燕窝加温,约 5-10 分钟即可。

一、宜清淡,忌油腻。燕窝性平味甘,可以和各种食物相配,没有和燕窝起不良反应的食物。一般食用燕窝期间要少吃辛辣油腻食 物,不抽或少抽烟。咖啡、茶不要和燕窝同时食用。服用中西药期间可以吃燕窝,只要不同时食用药物和燕窝即可。

二、宜少食多餐,忌一次大量食用。有研究表明成人每次 3~ 5 克干燕窝,儿童每次 1~3 克,这样的食量效果最佳。过量进食,容易造成肠胃消化不良吸收不了。

三、宜长期食用,吃燕窝短期内无明显功效,最好长期或经常服用。既可以隔一天吃一次,条件好的亦可每天吃 1~2 次。有 条件者选择早起空腹或者晚上睡前吃。90%以上食用者在 3 个月内会有一定的效果,慢则6 个月。

四、宜少糖少盐,忌太甜太咸。冰糖燕窝口感好。炖煮燕窝加上适当的冰糖,甘甜而不腻。传统中医理论认为冰糖最滋补,能补中益气,和胃润肺;红糖则浊而不清,容易引发热气;而白砂糖也会引致生痰。所以,熬炖补品多用冰糖,炖燕窝时用冰糖 调配较好。

食用燕窝的最佳时间是在清晨起床后、临睡前空腹时。此时食物已经消化基本不存在了, 人体全身处于最松弛的状态。燕窝在胃内刺激胃液分泌,引起胃的蠕动,胃黏膜供血多, 具备使营养充分吸收的条件,能快速地发挥营养效能。饭前、饭后两个小时亦是吃燕窝较好的时候。

干燕窝 – 保存燕窝通常把足干燕窝放置阴凉通风处,注意通风、防潮、防霉,放在冰箱冷藏(温度在 0-4℃)更佳,至少可以存放三年不变质和营养物质不流失。如果燕窝有霉味没有霉点,这种霉味可能是燕窝本身所处燕屋的味道,仍然保留其营养价值,正常挑冼、泡发、炖煮即可食用。如果有霉点或者霉斑块,燕窝就要丢弃不能食用。

即炖燕窝 – 即炖燕窝即免挑洗,免泡发的燕窝。即炖燕窝加工经过浸泡、挑毛、炖煮、吹干等工序,即炖燕窝使用方便,取出放至水中,直接炖煮食用。用保鲜膜密封好的即炖干燕窝,放置在阴凉通风处,或者放在冰箱冷藏(温度在 0-4℃),保质期三年。

免发泡燕窝鲜炖包 – 燕窝经过挑毛、发泡后未经吹干直接装入保鲜袋或者保鲜盒,燕窝包可直接炖煮食用。鲜炖包保存在冰箱冷冻(零下 4~10 度左右),可以保质半年以上。

鲜炖燕窝 – 由于我们的鲜炖燕窝是完全没有放防腐剂的,所以在收到燕窝后的 10 天内必须冷藏起来。我们的保质期有别于其他品牌的鲜炖燕窝,长达 30 天。不仅如此,我们也使用了商业无菌,以确保您品尝到的燕窝安全!

绝大多数人吃燕窝不过敏。但是,鸡蛋过敏者还是应慎食燕窝。体质过敏者初食燕窝时应少量。燕窝要精选,泡发时仔细剔除细小的绒毛,避免绒毛过敏。食用开始时一小勺,要注意观察,如无过敏性反应,可以逐渐增量。如出疹、瘙痒、呕吐、腹泻等,一旦出现过 敏反应,应停止食用燕窝一段时间,过后再试用。
燕窝水提物有抗络氨酸酶活性,抑制黑色素细胞产生黑色素。燕窝口服或外敷均可,因为 唾液酸可以透过皮肤组织起作用。研究表明游离唾液酸为燕窝的主要美白成份。 研究表明,燕窝抗氧化能力是水果之王黑布林 1.4 倍,蓝莓的 3 倍、红莓的 6 倍,香橙的 几十倍!可见,燕窝对延缓衰老有很大的帮助。燕窝还含有一种表皮生长因子(EGF) 样活性,具有刺激细胞分裂、生长和促进组织再生等作用。 因此,燕窝具有美白、抗氧化、延缓皮肤衰老,具有美容护肤的作用。

燕窝可以提高婴儿的智力和记忆力,除此之外,它还有助于睡眠减少疲劳、预防产后抑郁 症哦!

吃燕窝还可以防止孕傻!除此之外,它还有助于睡眠减少疲劳、预防产后抑郁症。同时燕窝还有抗病和 提高免疫力,以及抗氧化抗衰老和养颜美容的功效。


孕期全程都鼓励吃燕窝。有条件的话,建议在备孕期和产后恢复期吃燕窝有利优生优育和产后身体健康!孕妇吃燕窝可以一个人吃两个人补。不仅可以提高妈妈和宝宝的身体抵抗力,燕窝中的唾液酸对宝 宝头脑发育也有好处。

事实上,胎儿在母体生长的过 程中,孕早期第 3-11 周胎龄是胎儿重要器官形成的阶段,脑部和神经发育就在前 3 个月内,孕妇可补充叶酸,也可以食用燕窝补充唾液酸。燕窝里的唾液酸促进胎儿脑部发育。

燕窝对产妇有相当多好处。抗病毒、抗炎和提高免疫力;抗氧化抗衰老延缓皮肤 老化;抗氧化抗衰老延缓皮肤老化;哺乳期一吃两补;以及美容美白。

产后奶水通畅后就可以吃了。吃燕窝前一定要确定产妇奶水的通畅度,以免吃燕窝后,奶 水突然增多造成乳腺炎。燕窝有糖蛋白活性成分以及表皮生长因子样的活性,有助伤口愈 合。唾液酸可以阻绝肠道和病毒的结合,增强人体的抗病能力。由于唾液酸为阴离子,可 以和人体内带正电的钙离子结合,提高肠道对于营养的吸收能力。唾液酸是大脑发育的重 要营养成分,随着宝宝的长大,妈妈乳汁的营养构成会进行相应的调整,乳汁中自带的唾 液酸含量会下降,妈妈在产后坚持吃燕窝,可以保证源源不断地供给宝宝唾液酸,促进宝 宝大脑发育。

燕窝是很好的辅食,含有丰富的蛋白质和唾液酸,既可以避免宝宝因蛋白质摄入不足而影 响体格生长和脑部发育,还可以提高婴幼儿智力和记忆力、促进肠胃消化吸收以及提高免 疫力、抵抗疾病。燕窝有润肺和预防感冒的功效,还可以补儿童先天之不足。
专家建议,燕窝含有高水溶性蛋白质,吃燕窝前可先测试少量试吃看有没有过敏反应。满周岁的宝宝每天可以吃 0.3~0.5 克的干燕窝;3~5 岁的孩子 每天 1~1.5 克干燕窝;学龄儿童每天 2~3 克干燕窝。
性早熟可能与雌激素含量较高的食品有关。现代研究表明,燕窝每天食用量不多,雌激素摄入量并不高。婴幼儿每天吃 0.5~1.5 克干燕窝,大一点的儿童每天吃干燕窝的量可以多些,但不要超过 2.5 克,其雌激素量还不如吃一枚 60 克鸡蛋的高。如果说婴幼儿童每天吃一两枚鸡蛋都没问题,那么长期吃燕窝也不会引起性早熟。
男性在社会上承担很大的压力,奔波疲劳会失阳气,懂得养生非常重要。男性吃燕窝百利而无一害。无论是传统中医还是现代医学,对燕窝的功效都有很明确 的描述,燕窝除了具备养颜美容的功效,还有滋阴、治虚损、润肺、润燥、益气、补中等 功效
有子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿的人可以吃燕窝吗? 研究表明燕窝可以抗肿瘤,子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿患者是可以吃燕窝的。这些疾病是因为体 内激素水平不能够通过自身调节达到平衡状态造成的,燕窝虽然含有内源性激素,但是这 是动植物自身生长发育自带的,例如谷类动物的肝脏、牛奶、鸡蛋等都含有的。50 克燕 窝含有的黄体酮相当于一个鸡蛋的含量,3 克燕窝含有的 17β-雌二醇相当于一个鸡蛋的 含量。雌性激素不是燕窝发挥作用的关键,也影响不了人体内的激素变化。燕窝中丰富的唾液酸,可以提高免疫力,抗炎症抗肿瘤。同时患者要注意调节自己的情绪和劳逸结合, 多运动来慢慢调节身体状况。

燕窝的主要成分是活性蛋白质和矿物质。经期由于血液流失,食用燕窝补充蛋白质等营养 成分是适合的。中医认为燕窝性平味甘,有滋阴润燥、益气养阴的功效。食用燕窝对月经 周期不会产生任何负面影响,经期不调的年轻女性,或表虚多汗的更年期妇女,宜常食 之。

月经量少体现为两个方面,来月经时血量过少或者月经时间过短。现代医学认为情绪紧 张、节食、寒冷刺激、人流都会引起月经量过少;传统中医认为气血不足导致月经量少。 燕窝补肺气,滋肾水,能调理身体,所以是可以吃的哦。

吃燕窝也不会导致月经紊乱。燕窝中丰富的唾液酸,可以提高免疫力,抗炎症抗肿瘤。同时 患者要注意调节自己的情绪和劳逸结合,多运动来慢慢调节身体状况

女性生理期饮食营养要求高,燕窝性平味 甘,入肺、脾、肾经。可养阴润燥、益气补中。燕窝虽含雌性激素,但每天三、五克干燕 窝激素含量比一枚 50 克的鸡蛋都少。因此,生理期可以吃燕窝。

女性上了 50 岁,体内雌激素水平急剧下降,更需要滋阴。燕窝不寒不燥、养胃润虚的特 性为历代医方、医书认可。燕窝有糖蛋白、唾液酸以及表皮生长因子样活性,补充皮肤所 需营养和水分,快速修复受损皮肤细胞,起到延缓衰老的作用。长期调理可以舒缓焦虑、 失眠等更年期症状,提升骨骼强度和延缓皮肤老化。

绝经期女性需要更多的滋阴,在每天 3~5 克的基础上可以适当增加燕窝食用量。

实验发现,燕窝抑制肺肿瘤细胞、肝肿瘤细胞、乳腺肿瘤细胞生长作用。化疗前不要吃燕 窝,以免医生的错判。化疗后可以食用燕窝,有利身体恢复

妊娠期糖尿病是由多种原因引起的,最常见的就是吃东西不忌口,暴饮暴食,所以应在医 生的建议下吃一些健康有益的食物,燕窝具有丰富的唾液酸。由于燕窝性 甘味平,不像其他一些性温热的补品如鹿茸、花胶等需要孕妇注意食用分量。每天燕窝 3~5 克,含糖量不高,脂肪含量微量,所以糖尿病和高血压患者都可以食用。燕窝对提 高孕妇的免疫力很有帮助。贫血患者肯定可以吃燕窝,红枣桂圆燕窝有滋阴补血功效。如 果血红蛋白量严重偏低,仅仅吃燕窝是不够的,需要更专业的对症治疗,必要时可补充叶 酸、铁剂、维生素 B2。

燕窝中含有丰富的唾液酸。研究者发现,唾液 酸及其衍生物在抑制唾液酸酶与抗流感病毒、抗副流感病毒、抗轮状病毒、抗呼吸道 合胞病毒、和抗腺病毒等方面均有重要作用

坚持吃燕窝可以提高免疫力。唾液酸促进免疫系统,不仅是固有的防御机制,也使免疫系 统具有更高的适应性。普通人每天或者两天食用 3 至 5 克干燕窝即可。

由于羟基脯氨酸是胶原蛋白中特异性的氨基酸,在其他蛋白中不存在或很少存在,所以采用测定羟基脯氨酸含量的方法来比较产品中胶原蛋白的有效含量更为可靠。胶原蛋白所含 氨基酸中,脯氨酸和羟脯氨酸为胶原所特有的,含量总共占 25%。根据氨基酸分析,燕 窝中不含羟脯氨酸,也就说明燕窝中没有胶原蛋白。