Terms of Use

Please read the following terms of use carefully before using this website. This website is directed by Fuciphagus Agritech Sdn Bhd. (“The Company” or “FASB”). Publish and maintain. The following terms and conditions of use (“Terms of Use”) apply to your access to and use of www.sialicacidplus.com, including any content, features and services available on or through www.sialicacidplus.com (the “Site”).

These Terms of Use describe the legally binding terms and conditions that govern your use of the Site. By accessing this website, you are complying with these Terms and you have the right to enter them. You should be at least 18 years old to access the site. If you do not agree to all the provisions of these Terms, please do not log in to and/or use the Site.

Changes to the Terms of Use

The FASB may modify and update these Terms of Use from time to time in its sole discretion. All changes are effective immediately upon posting and notification to you and apply to all access to and use of the Site after posting. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of the revised Terms of Use constitutes your acceptance of and agreement to the changes. You should check this page frequently for any changes to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to any of the Terms, please opt out and refrain from using this website.


This website and all of its contents, features and functionality (including but not limited to all information, software, text, displays, images, video and audio and the design, selection and arrangement of the foregoing) are the property of the Company, the Company’s licensors and other providers of such materials, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of Malaysia, and the parties shall comply with the laws and constitutions of Malaysia. The FASB only authorizes you to view and download the material for your personal purposes in the course of your visit to the Site. The content of this website (including but not limited to all text, graphics, names, logos and trademarks (the “Content”) is owned by or duly licensed by the FASB.

Use of the Website

These Terms of Use permit you to use the Site solely for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not copy, transmit, modify, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any material on the Site or use it to create any derivative works, except that :a) you may temporarily store copies of such materials in random storage when you access and browse such materials; (b) you may store files that your web browser automatically caches for the purpose of improving display performance; and (c) You may print or download a copy of a reasonable number of pages on the Site for your personal, non-commercial use, but not for further reproduction, publication or dissemination. You may not modify a copy of any material on the Site, remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notice in a copy of the Materials on the Site, or access or use any part of the Site or any services or materials provided through the Site for any commercial purpose.

If you print, copy, modify, download or otherwise use or allow any other person to access any part of the Site in violation of these Terms of Use, your right to use the Site will terminate immediately and you must return or destroy any copy of the Materials you have made at our option. No right, title or interest in or to the Site or any content on the Site is assigned to you by implication, estoppel or otherwise, and the Company reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. Any use of the Site without express permission from these Terms of Use shall be deemed to be a violation of these Terms of Use and may violate copyright, trademark and other applicable laws. Unless expressly stated otherwise, all personal information you provide when using this website shall be handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy. You are solely responsible for the use of the information provided on this website and you only agree to provide us with accurate and up-to-date information.

The Site may contain one or more links to external websites operated by third parties (“Third Party Sites”). Some third-party sites may also provide links to that site. The FASB does not exercise control over the content of any third-party website and assumes no responsibility. Access to any third-party website is at your own risk and the FASB assumes no responsibility to you for the use of or reliance on any information posted on such third-party websites. The personal data or information you provide on these sites is at your own risk and the FASB assumes no responsibility for this.

Your use of this website is at your own risk. While the FASB will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the information on the Website is reliable, by using the Website you accept all information provided herein and that products and services are provided “as is”. The FASB makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, operability or legality of any information contained on or through the Site, including, but not limited to, (to the extent permitted by law) warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of the rights of third parties. The FASB also does not provide any warranties or representations that this website will be uninterrupted, error-free or virus-free.

Product description

The website contains information and materials about FASB and its products. The Company does not provide medical advice or recommendations, directly or indirectly, and nothing on this website constitutes medical advice or advice. Any advice you accept from Nest Trends for your health problems is given from a nutritional and not a medical point of view, and when you are invited to ask a question to the FASB, the FASB will not advise you on any medical, diagnostic, or therapeutic aspects. Your further acceptance of any nutritional advice/recommendations is based solely on general and non-individualized principles.

If you require medical advice or advice, or are unsure whether a product purchased and/or purchased through the Site is right for you, please consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, FASB shall not be liable to you and you shall not be liable to FASB hereunder, whether for any other direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive damages (or allegedly incurred) arising out of contract, tort or negligence arising out of or in connection with your use of or reliance on this website or any other website that may be linked to this website. The foregoing limitations of liability and damages do not apply to personal injury or death caused by negligence or to any fraudulent misrepresentation.

User Responsibility

If the FASB assigns you a “PHONE NUMBER” and/or “Password” to access the Site or certain parts of the Site, the Phone Number and/or Password are confidential and private to you. The properties of the FASB are “PHONE NUMBER” and “PASSWORD”. You may not disclose your Phone Number or Password to any other person, and you shall be solely responsible for any other person’s use of the Phone Number and/or Password with the knowledge or consent of any other person. If for any reason you believe that the security of the Registration Number and/or Password has been compromised, you should notify the FASB. The FASB may terminate your account at any time for any reason and/or otherwise deny or restrict your access to the Site. Although FASB intends to provide account services for a long time, FASB reserves the absolute right to modify or terminate any member services if the competitive business environment makes the membership services or discounts unfeasible.

Content standards

You agree not to post or distribute any Content (a) contains harmful, coercive, defamatory, abusive, harassing, defamatory, obscene, explicit, profane, or otherwise objectionable material; (b) promotes violence or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or age; (c) infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property right of any other person or entity; and (d) infringes the legal rights (including publicity and privacy rights) of others, or contain any material that may give rise to any civil or criminal liability under any applicable law or regulation; or (e) involve commercial activities or sales such as contests, sweepstakes and other prize promotions, physical transactions or advertisements or any material that could constitute or encourage a criminal offence or breach of any applicable Malaysian law. FASB reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to remove any undesirable material. You agree to indemnify and hold FASB harmless from and against any damage or loss, whether actual, incidental or consequential, resulting from a breach of any applicable Malaysian law.


The Company name and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans are trademarks of the Company or its affiliates or licensors. You may not use such marks without the prior written permission of the Company. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans on this website are trademarks of the respective owners

Entire Agreement

This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or its subject matter or form (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of Malaysia and the parties shall comply with the jurisdiction of the Laws and Constitution of Malaysia.


在使用本网站前,请仔细阅读以下使用条款。 本网站由Fuciphagus Agritech Sdn Bhd. (“公司”或“FASB”). 发布并维护。下列使用条款和条件 (“本使用条款”) 适用于您访问和使用 www.sialicacidplus.com, 包括在 www.sialicacidplus.com上或通过其提供的任何内容、功能和服务 (“网站”).





本网站及其全部内容、特性和功能 (包括但不限于所有信息、软件、文本、展示、图像、视频和音频以及前述各项的设计、选择和排列), 均属公司、公司的许可方及该等资料的其他提供方所有,均应受马来西亚法律和法规管辖并根据其解释,并且各当事方应遵守马来西亚法律宪法的管辖权。FASB仅授权您出于个人目的在访问本网站的过程中查看和下载该材料。本网站的内容(包括但不限于所有文字,图形,名称,徽标和商标(“内容”))由FASB拥有或获得其正式许可。




该网站可能包含一个或多个链接,这些链接连接到第三方运营的外部网站(“第三方网站”)。某些第三方站点可能还会提供指向该站点的链接。 FASB不对任何第三方网站的内容进行控制,也不承担任何责任。访问任何第三方网站的风险由您自己承担,并且由于使用或依赖于在此类第三方网站上发布的任何信息,FASB对您不承担任何责任。您在这些站点上提供的个人数据或信息的风险自负,FASB对此不承担任何责任。

您使用本网站的风险自负。虽然FASB将尽一切合理的努力以确保网站上的信息可靠,但使用网站即表示您接受此处提供的所有信息,产品和服务均按“现状”提供。 FASB对本网站上包含的任何信息或通过本网站提供的任何产品或服务的准确性,完整性,可靠性,可操作性或合法性不做任何明示或暗示的担保,包括但不限于(在适用情况允许的范围内)法律)关于适销性,适合特定目的以及不侵犯第三方权利的保证。 FASB也不提供任何保证或声明本网站将不间断,无错误或无病毒。


该网站包含有关FASB和产品的信息和材料。 FASB不会直接或间接提供医疗建议或建议,本网站上的任何内容均不构成医疗建议或建议。您接受Nest趋势针对您的健康问题向您提供的任何建议都是从营养角度而不是医学角度给出的,并且在邀请您向FASB提出问题时,FASB不会为您提供任何建议医疗,诊断或治疗方面的建议。您进一步接受任何营养建议/建议仅基于一般性和非个性化的原则。




如果FASB为您分配了“注册号码”和/或“密码”来访问网站或网站的某些部分,则“注册号码”和/或“密码”对您来说是机密和私人的。 FASB的属性为“ PHONE NUMBER”和“ PASSWORD”。您不得将您的“注册号码”或“密码”透露给任何其他人,并且您应对任何其他人在知情或未经您同意的情况下使用“注册号码”和/或“密码”承担全部责任。如果出于任何原因您认为“注册号码”和/或“密码”的安全性受到任何损害,则应通知FASB。 FASB可能会随时出于任何原因终止您的帐户,和/或以其他方式拒绝或限制您对本网站的访问。尽管FASB打算长期提供帐户服务,但如果竞争激烈的商业环境使会员服务或折扣不可行,FASB保留修改或终止任何会员服务的绝对权利。


您同意不发布或传播任何内容(a)包含有害的、胁迫的、诽谤的、侮辱性的、骚扰的、污蔑的、淫秽的、露骨的、亵渎的或在其他方面令人反感的资料;(b)宣扬暴力或种族、性别、宗教、国籍、残疾、性取向或年龄歧视;(c)侵犯任何其他人士或实体的任何专利、商标、商业秘密、著作权或其他知识产权;(d)侵犯他人的合法权利(包括形象权和隐私权),或者包含可能产生任何适用法律或法规项下的任何民事或刑事责任的任何资料;或(e)涉及商业活动或销售,如比赛、抽奖及其他有奖促销、实物交易或广告或任何可能构成或鼓励被视为刑事犯罪或违反任何适用的马来西亚法律的材料。 FASB保留绝对酌情决定权删除任何不良材料的权利。您同意赔偿FASB,并使FASB免受因违反任何适用的马来西亚法律而造成的任何损害或损失,无论是实际的,偶然的还是必然的。



